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Presentation regarding “Bobcat – Connecticut’s Secretive Wild Cat”

Paul Coburn
Minor Memorial Library 23 South Street, Roxbury, CT

“Bobcat — Connecticut’s Secret Wild Cat”

The free, informative talk will be led by Paul Colburn, a graduate of the Connecticut Master Wildlife Conservationist Program and a certified Master Wildlife Conservationist. Paul is a dedicated advocate for wildlife, passionate about sharing his knowledge and is focused on teaching the community about living responsibly with wildlife.  

 The “Bobcat – Connecticut’s Secretive Wild Cat” presentation focuses on the history of bobcats in Connecticut, an overview of bobcat habitat, diet, behavior, reproduction, and current research efforts.  Bobcat artifacts are shared with the audience. Mountain lions are also discussed.

 The Minor Memorial Library is located at 23 South Street, Roxbury, CT. For more information, call the Roxbury Land Trust at 860-350-4148 or the Library at 860-350-2181, or you can email