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ROXBURY, CT – The Roxbury-Bridgewater Pollinator Pathway, comprised of the Roxbury-Bridgewater Garden Club, Roxbury Conservation Commission, Bridgewater Land Trust, and Roxbury Land Trust with the cooperation of the Shepaug Agri-Science Program, presents a special garden program entitled “Pollinator Plants for Containers and Small Spaces” on Saturday, April 2 at 10 a.m. EST.
Featuring landscape designer and consultant Mark Dwyer, the program details how everyone can bring flowers into their outdoor spaces regardless of how much space they have. To register for the free virtual program, please email Julie Stuart, Executive Director of the Bridgewater Land Trust, [email protected].
Recently, emphasis has been on how people can improve the wildlife value of their yards and decks. By adding native plants and reducing lawn, people can increase the ability of pollinators to thrive as well as provide safe corridors for them to forage.
According to Mark Dwyer, “The challenges of limited gardening space shouldn’t preclude you from considering beautiful and effective pollinator-friendly plantings. Even small spaces in the garden and containers can feature effective plant combinations that will become an oasis for visiting pollinators. We’ll discuss a wide range of plants (emphasis on natives!) and design ideas that will feature potent pollinator plants for containers and garden spaces of limited size.”
“As we head into spring, we look forward to new growth and the flowers that come with it”, said Ann Astarita, Executive Director of RLT. “Most of Mark’s plant selections are native to our area and available at local nurseries. In addition to enjoying the beauty of your plant selections, you’ll be nurturing butterflies and bees.”
Roxbury-Bridgewater Garden Club’s President Estelle Mackenzie added, “We’d like interested parties to mark their calendars for the Garden Club’s Plant Mart on Saturday, May 21 at the Bridgewater Firehouse from 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The sale will include pollinator plants that can be grown successfully in containers.”
Mark Dwyer owns and operates Landscape Prescriptions by MD, a landscape design and consultation firm, in Janesville, WI. He also manages the Edgerton Hospital (WI) Healing Garden which he designed over 10 years ago. Prior to these endeavors, Mark was Director of Horticulture at Rotary Botanical Gardens (Janesville, WI) where he managed the maintenance and improvement of that 20-acre botanical garden with talented staff and dedicated volunteers. Mark’s true passion is obtaining, growing, observing and photographing all types of plants.
The Roxbury Land Trust preserves just under 4,000 acres of farmland, woodlands, wetlands, watercourses and open space in Roxbury and neighboring communities. RLT maintains 33 preserves with more than 30 miles of hiking trails and three active farms, as well as offering educational programs. Governed by a volunteer board of directors, the non-profit organization is supported by membership dues and charitable contributions. The Land Trust does not receive financial support from the town, state, or federal governments and relies on the generosity of its members for operations and stewardship. For more information, visit www.roxburylandtrust.org, email [email protected] or call 860-350-4148.