Enjoy Roxbury Land Trust Events All are welcome to enjoy our educational programs, walks and other events. All are free of charge. For details on programs, please call the RLT office at 860-350-4148.

Vernal Pool-ooza Walk
Roxbury Land Trust and the Pomperaug River Watershed Coalition will be hosting a Vernal Pool-ooza Walk on Saturday, April 6th at 1:00 p.m.

Mine Hill Preserve Spring Trail Clean Up Day!
Join us on Saturday, April 12th from 10:00-12:00 to help clean up and repair trails within the Mine Hill Preserve.

Bird & Nature Walk with Larry Fischer
Join us for an informative bird and nature walk led by lifelong bird watcher Larry Fischer.

Managing Invasive Plants in the Home Landscape
Please join us for an informative talk with Laura Evans on Connecticut pollinator plants and invasives.

Woodbury Earth Day 2025
Join us for the Woodbury Earth Day Celebration at Hollow Park on April 27th! Learn about what Roxbury Land Trust has planned for 2025.

Give Local 2025
Our Give Local Campaign will take place on April 29th and 30th. Please consider making a generous donation to the Roxbury Land Trust. It’s a gift that benefits not only you, but future generations.

Bird & Nature Walk with Larry Fischer
Join us for an informative bird and nature walk led by lifelong bird watcher Larry Fischer.

CT Trails Day!
Please register and join us for CT Trails Day at the Mine Hill Preserve for a 3.5 miles long guided hike.

Bird & Nature Walk with Larry Fischer
Join us at the River Road Preserve for a hike to observe wildlife and the power of nature.
Save the Date – Farm Crawl
In partnership with the Bridgewater Land Trust, we are pleased to offer our first ever Farm Crawl! Guests will visit six area farms.
Moth Nighttime Walk with Larry Fischer
Join us for an evening moth walk with Larry Fischer at the Good Hill Preserve.
Moth Nighttime Walk with Larry Fischer
Join us for an evening moth walk with Larry Fischer at the Good Hill Preserve.
RiverFest 2025
To celebrate community and the wonders of nature, RLT is hosting a RIVERFEST at our River Road Preserve on Sunday, September 15th from 2:00-5:00 pm.
Washington-Roxbury Tunnel Road Connector Hike
Join Roxbury Land Trust and Steep Rock Association for a 4 ½ mile hike along Tunnel Road.
Moose Talk with Andrew LaBonte
RLT invites the community for a talk with Andrew LaBonte from CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, Wildlife Division.
Dave Beglan Memorial Walk
RLT invites you to our annual post-Thanksgiving walk is held in memory of Dave Beglan, historian and director of the Roxbury Land Trust, who died in October 2017.