Donated by John Katz, the Beth Rogers and Jeffrey Katz Preserve is a 26-acre parcel of land at 203 North Street in Roxbury. The preserve offers significant conservation value by connecting with other adjacent preserved properties and protecting a critical portion of the Battle Swamp Brook watershed, a prisine water source in the state. Other […]
The fascinating history of Mine Hill Preserve — a 19th century iron-making complex on the National Register of Historic Places — can best be understood through a series of self-guiding interpretive signs at the site. Installed in three groupings near the remnants of the roasting ovens and blast furnace used to process the iron ore, […]
Donated by Arthur L. Carter in 1997, the Carter Preserve is adjacent to the north of the Mine Hill Preserve. Trail Closure Notice: Carter Preserve loop from Mine Hill Preserve to be closed to the public until further notice! We prioritize the safety of our visitors and environmental stewardship. 1. Safety Concerns: Unsanctioned trails are causing […]
Located off Route 199, about 0.75 miles from the Route 67 intersection, the Emily Griffith Beardsley Preserve and adjacent Humphrey Preserve offer hikers a 3-mile hike of moderate difficulty. Beginning at the white barns, the Blue Loop passes an historic sawmill site and includes steep climbs over wooded rolling terrain. A second trail begins off […]
From the small parking area off Judd’s Bridge Road, a trail passes alongside Battle Swamp Brook for two-thirds of its length, then continues through light forest and over a stone wall to come out on Battle Swamp Road. Hikers may either double back or turn left off Battle Swamp Road and walk on the quiet […]
With a peak elevation of 870 feet and broad expanses of gently rolling meadows, the Gavel Family Farm Preserve commands stunning views to the south, east and west. Walkers may enjoy a perimeter path around the edge of working farmland during the growing season. The yellow trail on the east side connects to the Lilly […]
For the Blue Loop, park at the entrance on Good Hill Road (Route 317) 2 miles east of the Roxbury Green. For most direct access to the Red Loop, use the Old Tophet Road entrance. This can be reached by continuing on Good Hill Road another mile past the first entrance, turning left onto Welton […]
The Roxbury Land Trust purchased the 59-acre Baldwin Preserve in 2001. The acquisition was made possible by the generosity of its owners Richard and Sheila Gross; contributions made by the family and friends of Henry deForest Baldwin, a founding director of the Roxbury Land Trust; and a grant by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection.
Located at the intersection of Tophet Road and Hoop Hill Road, this preserve was donated by the estate of Arthur Miller in 2005 in honor of the late playwright and his wife, a well-known photographer, to expand the Roxbury Land Trust’s Greenbelt. The preserve, which features an historic wood road, pasture and woodlands, links to […]
Beginning at the trailhead at Good Hill Farm Preserve on Good Hill Road, the 3.31 Blue Trail meanders through an old orchard, across streams, into the woodlands and across open meadows with much up and down, connecting to the Painter Hill Red Loop. The Red Farm Loop east of the barnyard gives a glimpse of […]